The Stack

When you deploy applications with Python Deploy we configure different resources provided by AWS to allow you to run web and task based applications.

If you want to explore all the resources that we create you can do so form the details page of the CloudFormation stack, a link to which you will find in each of your applications.

The following is a description of the most relevant resources:


You are able to create as many databases as your application needs, and you can choose the engine, size, type of instance and version.

Available engines:

  • Postgres
  • MySQL
  • MariaDB

We strive to make all the existing versions and type of instances available to you. If we are missing one, please let us know and we will try to included as soon as possible.


Blazing fast in memory data storage. Its most common use case is cache storage, but you are not limited to that. The provided compatible backends are:

  • Redis
  • Memcached

We strive to make all the existing versions and type of instances available to you. If we are missing one, please let us know and we will try to included as soon as possible.

S3 Buckets

You get two S3 buckets, one with public visibility (perfect for your static files), and one with private visibility (for example for your user uploaded content).

The public bucket has a CORS configured to accept GET requests from any origin.

The public bucket does not allow overriding the permissions. This makes it impossible to expose its content without generating a pre-signed url.

SQS Queue

An SQS queue that will send the messages to the Task lambda function for processing:

  • 1800 seconds timeout (soon configurable)

JumpBox servers

Some of the resources deployed within your private cloud are not publicly available, the most common of them are the Cache servers.

Jumpbox servers are small EC2 instances (linux server) that you can connect to via SSH, and from them you can jump to your private resources.

Https Lambda function


Lambda function are only created for Lambda deployments

A lambda function that will handle all the Https requests that your app receives:

Task Lambda function


Lambda function are only created for Lambda deployments

A lambda function that will handle all the SQS, and will also execute any commands that you trigger via pd-cliopen in new window:

Web ECS Task


ECS tasks are only created for Fargate deployments

An ECS task that will handle all the Http(s) requests that your app receives:

Worker ECS Task


ECS tasks are only created for Fargate deployments

An ECS task to run background processes. You can use this task for instance to consume SQS messages and execute background jobs.